Pret: 125.000€
Nu ai gasit inca biroul potrivit pentru afacerea ta?
Intentionezi sa faci o investitie inteligenta intr-un imobil aflat intr-una dintre cele mai selecte si elegante zone din Bucuresti?
Iti propun acest apartament unic, modern, amenajat cu un bun gust pe masura zonei exclusiviste in care e situat.
Un apartament in Nordului, aflat pe Intrarea Epocii, in Cartierul Francez, in imediata apropiere de Parcul Herastrau.
In cazul achizitiei nu vei plati comision!!
Have you not found the right office for your business yet? Are you planning to make a smart investment in a property located in one of the most select and elegant areas of Bucharest?
I suggest this unique, modern apartment, furnished with good taste to match the exclusive area in which it is located. An apartment in Nordului, on Epocii Entrance, in the French Quarter, next to Herastrau Park.
In case of purchase, you will not pay a commission!!
Copyright 2025 Startim Imobiliare Bucuresti. O solutie Soft Imobiliar si Apartamente Bucuresti